The greatness of Krishna Devotees
As described in Srimad Bhagavatham
Vraja Loka Astro SPiitual Center
.. Shri Ganeshaya Namah.. .. ॐ Shri Sarasvatyai Namah । .. ॐ Shri Gopijanavallabhya Namah ।
Narada Maharshi said. ..
O Brahmajnani, I heard this blissful Brahma-khanda for the first time from the lotus face of Brahma. It was most wonderful.
Then at his words I immediately came to your presence.
O treasure of mercy, I am your devoted disciple, grant me knowledge.
By penance, chanting and great charity, by seeing the holy places on earth.
By reading the Vedas, by fasting, by observing vows and by worshipping the deities. The fruits that a man obtains in all the yajnas of initiation.
He is not worthy of the fruit of one sixteenth part of the one who teaches Soul-knowledge.
Sri Narayana Maharshi said:... ..
I have come to know that you are blessed with many merits and a beautiful personality.
O pure one who is the preserver of lineages, you are wandering to purify the worlds. ..
The hearts of people are immediately revealed by the words that people speak to their disciple, wife, daughter, relatives...
With the dust of your feet you purify the earth that is the basis of everything...
By seeing your own conflict you purify all the worlds...
Therefore you desire to hear the auspicious story of Krishna...
Wherever there are stories of Krishna, there reside all the gods, sages and ascetics, and all the holy places...
At the end of the story, the saints who have heard the stories become liberated.
Places where auspicious stories of Krishna are told are considered holy places...
He who tells the story of Krishna to hundreds of people immediately purifies, uplifts and sanctifies his own lineage and the entire clan of those who hear it. .
The questioner, by simply asking a question, purifies his own family.
The listener, by simply asking, saves his own family, his own relatives. ..
He who has performed penance for a hundred births takes birth once in this India.
Then if he hears the nectar of the story of Krishna, his birth becomes worthwhile. ..
Worship, salutation, recitation of mantras and service, hearing the virtues of Krishna, always meditating and chanting. Offering to Him are the nine characteristics of devotion. .
Whoever does these things and proclaims this, he makes his birth worthwhile, O Narada. ..
There will be no obstacles in his life and he will not perish.
Time will be afraid of coming before him, just as a serpent is afraid of Vainateya. ..
The Supreme Personality of Godhead, Shri Krishna, protects such a devotee without leaving him for a moment.
That devotee will quickly attain the eight Siddhis of Animadhi. ..
Sudarshan will be by his side day and night, protecting him.
Who can do anything to him when he is protecting his devotees by the command of Krishna?..
Just as locusts do not go away when they see a burning fire,
Yama's servants do not go near him even in their dreams...
Diseases, calamities, sorrows do not go near him.
O sage, even death does not go near a devotee for fear of death itself.
Rishis, ascetics, Siddhas and all the deities will be pleased with the devotees of Krishna.
By the grace of Krishna, they will undoubtedly be fearless and happy everywhere. 40..
Your enthusiasm for the story of Krishna will be extremely sattvic.
The nature of the father is certainly present in the son. 41..
O best of Brahmins, what should I praise you, the son of Brahma's mind?
Shouldn't such a person, born in such a family, have such a behavior? 42..
By serving the lotus feet of Lord Krishna, the father and creator of the universe,
your father, the four-faced Brahma, is a great devotee who always offers new types of devotion to Krishna. 43..
His enthusiasm for the story of Krishna filled his eyes with tears,
The wise describe those whose minds are absorbed in Krishna as devotees.
He has described as true devotees who understands his wife and sons everything as the grace of Sri Krishna. 45..
Those who are free from attachment and meditate on the lotus feet of Lord Sri Krishna in holy places are devotees.
One who knows that all beings are compassionate and who thinks that the entire universe is Krishna is considered a great sage and a devotee of Krishna.
He chants the names of Krishna and repeatedly chants His virtues and mantras.
He is very devoted and he listens to Krishna's stories and tells them to other devotees. 46..
He whose mind is quickly delighted by giving the desired things he has received to Hari, he is the best of devotees and sages. 49..
He whose mind even when asleep, day and night and is in knowledge at the lotus feet of Hari,
but lives in external life as if he were enjoying the results of his past actions, he is the best of devotees. 4.1.50.
He whose ear the mantra of Krishna enters from the mouth of the spiritual master,
the sages declare him a Vaishnava and a great holy devotee of Krishna. 51..
The previous seven, the next seven, the grandfather, his brother and mother-in-law and others
will be saved by a devotee.
His wife, his daughter, his relative, his disciple, his daughter and servants and maidservants will be saved by a Vaishnava devotee of Krishna. 53..
Holy places also always seek the touch of Vaishnava devotees of Krishna.
The sins committed by sinners due to their touch are destroyed by the contact or blessings of Krishna devotees. 54..
Where Krishna devotees stay even for a time as long as they milk cows,
all the holy places on earth will be established.
Where Krishna devotees are, a sinner who dies is liberated and attains the abode of Hari.
Similarly, one who drinks in the Ganges of knowledge and ultimately remains in Krishna's memory.
In the Tulsi forest, in the temple of Sri Krishna, in the cowshed.
In Haridwar or other holy places, a sinner who dies in Vrindavan is liberated and attains the abode of Hari.
By bathing in holy places, the sins of sinners are forgiven.
The air touched by the devotees of Krishna is destroyed.
Just as grass dries up quickly in a burning fire, so the sins of sinners are destroyed in the midst of the devotees of Krishna.
The sins of men who see a devotee of Krishna walking on the right path, are certainly destroyed.
Whoever insults the devotees of Krishna in the form of pious men and Lord Hrishikesh, the merit they have earned in a hundred births is certainly lost. 61.. They will live in the most terrible hell called Kumbhipaka for as long as the moon and the sun exist. The merit of the pious souls is also certainly destroyed by the sight of those who insult the devotees of Krishna. A scholar who sees a sinner after bathing in the Ganges and bowing to Krishna becomes pure. 63..
The sinner is liberated by the mere touch of Krishna's devotees.
Madhusudana, the inner self of Krishna's devotees, destroys the sins of that sinner. 64..
O Brahmarishi Narada, I have thus described the qualities of Krishna and Krishna's devotees.
।। श्रीगणेशाय नमः ।।
।। श्रीसरस्वत्यै नमः ।।
।। श्रीगोपीजनवल्लभाय नमः ।।
।। अथ ब्रह्मवैवर्तीयश्रीकृष्णजन्मखण्डप्रारंभः ।।
नमस्कृत्य नरं चैव नरोत्तमम् ।।
सरस्वतीं व्यासं ततो जयमुदीरयेत् ।। १ ।।
नारद उवाच
।। ।।
ब्रह्मणो वदनांभोजात्परमाद्भुतमेव च ।।१।।
ततस्तद्वचनात्तूर्णं समागत्य तवांतिकम् ।।
श्रुतं प्रकृतिखण्डं च सुधाखंडात्परं वरम् ।। २ ।।
ततो गणपतेः खंडमखंडभवखंडनम् ।।
न मे तृप्तं मनो लोलं विशिष्टं श्रोतुमिच्छति ।। ३ ।।
श्रीकृष्णजन्मखंडं च जन्मादेः खंडनं नृणाम् ।।
प्रदीपं सर्वतत्त्वानां कर्मघ्नं हरिभक्तिदम् ।। ४ ।।
सद्यो वैराग्यजननं भवरोगनिकृंतनम् ।।
कारणं मुक्तिबीजानां भवाब्धेस्तारणं परम् ।। ५ ।।
कर्मोपभोगरोगाणां खंडने च रसायनम् ।।
श्रीकृष्णचरणांभोजप्राप्तिसोपान कारणम् ।। ६ ।।
जीवनं वैष्णवानां च जगतां पावनं परम् ।।
वद विस्तार्य मां भक्तं शिष्यं च शरणागतम् ।। ७ ।।
केन वा
प्रार्थितः कृष्ण आजगाम महीतलम् ।।
एवेशः परिपूर्णतमः स्वयम् ।।८।।
युगे कुत्र
कुतो हेतोः कुत्र वाऽऽविर्बभूव ह ।।
जनकः को वा का वा च देवकी ।। ९ ।।
वद कस्य
कुले जन्म मायया सुविडंबनम् ।।
किं चकार
समागत्य केन रूपेण वा हरिः ।। ।। 4.1.१० ।।
जगाम गोकुलं
कंसभयेन सूतिकागृहात् ।।
कंसात्कीटतुल्याद्भयेशस्य भयं मुने ।। ११ ।।
गोपवेषेण गोकुले किं चकार ह ।।
गोपाङ्गनासार्धं विजहार जगत्पतिः ।।१२।।
का वा
गोपांगना के वा गोपाला बालरूपिणः ।।
का वा यशोदा
को नंदः किं वा पुण्यं चकार ह ।।१३।।
कथं राधा
पुण्यवती देवी गोकुलवासिनी ।।
व्रजे वा
व्रजकन्या सा बभूव प्रेयसो हरेः।।१४।।
ज्ञातोऽसि धन्यस्त्वं पुण्यराशिः सुमूर्तिमान् ।।
करोषि भ्रमणं
लोकान्पावितुं कुलपावन ।। २३ ।।
हृदयं सद्यः सुव्यक्तं वचनेन वै ।।
कलत्रे कन्यायां दौहित्रे बांधवेऽपि च ।। २४ ।।
पौत्रे च वचसि प्रतापे चापदि स्त्रियाम् ।।
वैरिणि विद्यायां ज्ञायते हृदयं नृणाम् ।। २५ ।।
पूतस्त्वं शुद्धभक्तो गदाभृतः ।।
पादरजसा सर्वाधारां वसुन्धराम् ।। २६ ।।
लोकान्त्सर्वांश्च स्वीयविग्रहदर्शनात् ।।
हरिकथां तेन त्वं श्रोतुमिच्छसि ।। २७ ।।
कृष्णकथाः संति तत्रैव सर्वदेवताः ।।
मुनयश्चैव तीर्थानि निखिलानि च ।। २८ ।।
श्रुत्वा कथांते ते यांति सन्तो निरापदम् ।।
भवंति तानि
तीर्थानि येषु कृष्णकथाः शुभाः ।। २९ ।।
कृष्णकथावक्ता स्वस्य पुंसां शतं शतम्।।
श्रुतवतां पुनाति निखिलं कुलम् ।। 4.1.३० ।।
प्रष्टा तु
प्रश्नमात्रेण पुनाति कुलमात्मनः ।।
श्रवणमात्रेण स्वकुलं स्व स्वबांधवान् ।। ३१ ।।
जन्मेदं भारते लभेत् ।।
करोति सफलं
जन्म श्रुत्वा हरिकथामृतम् ।। ३२ ।।
वंदनं मन्त्रजपः सेवनमेव च ।।
कीर्तनं शश्वद्गुणश्रवणमीप्सितम् ।। ३३ ।।
तस्य दास्यं नवधा भक्तिलक्षणम् ।।
करोति जन्म
सुफलं कृत्वैतानि च नारद ।। ३४ ।।
न च विघ्नो
भवेत्तस्य परमायुर्न नश्यति ।।
न याति
तत्पुरः कालो वैनतेयमिवोरगः ।। ३५ ।।
न जहाति
समीपं च क्षणं तस्य हरिः स्वयम् ।।
तूर्णं तमणिमादिकसिद्धयः ।। ३६ ।।
भ्रमत्येव तस्य पार्श्वे दिवानिशम् ।।
च रक्षार्थं को वा किं कर्तुमीश्वरः ।। ३७ ।।
न यांति
तत्समीपं च स्वप्नेऽपि यमकिंकराः ।।
यथा दृष्ट्वा शलभा न व्रजंति तम् ।। ३६ ।।
विपदः शोका विप्राश्च न प्रयांति तम् ।।
न याति
तत्समीपं च मृत्युर्मृत्युभयान्मुने ।। ३९ ।।
ऋषयो मुनयः
सिद्धाः सन्तुष्टाः सर्वदेवताः ।।
स च सर्वत्र
निःशंकः सुखी कृष्णप्रसादतः ।। 4.1.४० ।।
कृष्णकथायां च रतिरात्यंतिकी सदा ।।
स्वभावो हि जन्ये तिष्ठति निश्चितम् ।। ४१ ।।
का प्रशंसेयं जन्म ते ब्रह्ममानसे ।।
यत्र यत्र
कुले जन्म तन्मतिस्तादृशी भवेत् ।। ४२ ।।
पिता विधाता
जगतां कृष्णपादाब्जसेवया ।।
करोति यः शश्वन्नवधा भक्तिलक्षणम् ।। ४३ ।।
रतिः कृष्णकथायां च यस्याश्रुपुलकोद्गमः ।।
मनो निमग्नं तत्रैव स भक्तः कथितो बुधैः ।।४४।।
पुत्रदारादिकं सर्वं जानाति श्रीहरेरिति ।।
आत्मना मनसा वाचा स भक्तः कथितो बुधैः ।। ४५ ।।
निर्जने तीर्थसंपर्के निःसंगा ये मुदाऽन्विताः ।।
ध्यायंते चरणांभोजं श्रीहरेस्ते च वैष्णवाः ।।४६।।
दयाऽस्ति सर्वजीवेषु सर्वं कृष्णम यं जगत् ।।
यो जानाति महाज्ञानी स भक्तो वैष्णवो मतः ।।४७।।
शश्वद्ये नाम गायंति गुणं मंत्रं जपंति च ।।
कुर्वंति श्रवणं गाथा वदंति तेऽतिवैष्णवाः ।। ४६ ।।
लब्धानीष्टानि वस्तूनि प्रदातुं हरये मुदा ।।
तूर्णं यस्य मनो हृष्टं स भक्तो ज्ञानिनां वरः ।। ४९ ।।
यन्मनो हरिपादाब्जे स्वप्ने ज्ञाने दिवानिशम्।।
पूर्वकर्मोपभोगं च बहिर्भुङ्क्ते स वैष्णवः ।। 4.1.५० ।।
गुरुवक्त्राद्विष्णुमंत्रो यस्य कर्णे विशत्यलम् ।।
तं वैष्णवं महापूतं प्रवदंति मनीषिणः ।। ५१ ।।
पूर्वान्त्सप्त परान्त्सप्त सप्त मातामहादिकान् ।।
सोदरानुद्धरेद्भक्तः स्वप्रसूं च प्रसूप्रसूम् ।।५२।।
कलत्रं कन्यकां बंधुं शिष्यं दौहित्रमात्मनः ।।
किंकरान्किंकरीश्चैवमुद्धरेद्वैष्णवः सदा ।। ५३ ।।
सदा वांछति तीर्थानि वैष्णवस्पर्शदर्शने ।।
पापिदत्तानि पापानि तेषां नश्यंति संगतः ।। ५४ ।।
गोदोहनक्षणं यावद्यत्र तिष्ठंति वैष्णवाः ।।
तत्र सर्वाणि तीर्थानि संति तावन्महीतले ।।५५।।
ध्रुवं तत्र मृतः पापी मुक्तो याति हरेः पदम् ।।
तथैव ज्ञानगंगायामंते कृष्णस्मृतौ यथा।।५६।।
तुलसीकानने गोष्ठे श्रीकृष्णमंदिरे परे।।
वृंदारण्ये हरिद्वारे तीर्थेष्वन्येषु वा यथा ।।५७।।
पापानि पापिनां यांति तीर्थस्नानावगाहनात् ।।
तेषां पापानि नश्यंति वैष्णवस्पर्शवायुना ।।५८।।
न हि स्थातुं शक्नुवंति पापान्येव कृतानि च ।।
ज्वलदग्नौ यथा क्षिप्रं शुष्काणि हि तृणानि च ।।५९।।
भक्तं वर्त्मनि गच्छंतं ये ये पश्यंति मानवाः।।
सप्तजन्मार्जिताघानि तेषां नश्यंति निश्चितम् ।।4.1.६०।।
ये निंदंति हृषीकेशं तद्भक्तं पुण्यरूपिणम् ।।
शतजन्मार्जितं पुण्यं तेषां नश्यति निश्चितम्।। ६१ ।।
ते पच्यंते महाघोरे कुंभीपाके भयानके ।।
भक्षिताः कीटसंघेन यावच्चंद्रदिवाकरौ ।। ६२ ।।
तस्य दर्शनमात्रेण पुण्यं नश्यति निश्चितम् ।।
गंगां स्नात्वा रविं नत्वा तदा विद्वान्विशुध्यति ।। ६३ ।।
वैष्णवस्पर्शमात्रेण मुक्तो भवति पातकी ।।
तस्य पापानि हंत्येव स्वांतःस्थो मधुसूदनः।। ।। ६४ ।।
इत्येवं कथितो विप्र विष्णुवैष्णवयोर्गुणः ।।
अधुना श्रीहरेर्जन्म निबोध कथयामि ते ।। ६५ ।।
इति श्रीब्रह्मवैवर्ते महापुराणे श्रीकृष्णजन्मखंडे नारायणनारदसंवादे विष्णुवैष्णवयोर्गुणप्रशंसाप्रस्ताववर्णनं नाम प्रथमोऽध्यायः ।। १ ।।
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